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This article is so full of falsehoods and bias that it comes off as a Saturday night live sketch. The "Media" is Sooooooo out of touch with reality. Take as an example the past week as a well known news anchor from "CNN" was on one of the late night shows and the host mentioned "you guys over there are CNN are fair and honest and report the news unbiased and in a fair manor", The crowd "a left leaning crowd" burst into laughter as they took the comment to be satire. You would need to be ignorant or a LIER to say that the "news" isn't slanted. The plain truth, you lie so much no one takes you serious anymore. You are becoming as modern as landline phones. These people SHOULDNT participate in your setup driveby or whatever you want to call your relationship with your masters on the left. To put the cherry on the top you attack REPUBLICANS in the same article where you say they wont cooperate because they think the news is bias. It really is funny as hell for you to make an argument then show everyone that you are incorrect. So ya, I hope they do stay away from "local media" so that "the people can make their own choice", not a choice that the "news wants to control.

From: Ducking candidate forums subverts electorate

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