PUBLIC NOTICE > Burlington City Council Regular Meeting Minutes – 06.03.24





Meeting No. 11

June 3, 2024

The Burlington City Council met in regular session at 5:30 p.m. in the Thomas J. Smith Council Chambers, City Hall, 400 Washington Street, with Mayor Billups, Council Members Bailey, Graham-Murray, Scott and Weiss present.



* Juneteenth Day - Tiara Carter

* PRIDE Month - David Kroll

COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: Fred Starling of 517 South 7th Street invited the City Council to the Juneteenth Celebration on June 15, 2024. All present had opportunity to speak and nothing additional was filed in the office of the City Clerk.

CONSENT AGENDA: To the Public:

All matters listed under Item I., Consent Agenda, having been discussed were considered to be routine by the City Council and were enacted by one motion. There was no separate discussion of these items. If discussion was desired, that item was removed from the Consent Agenda and was considered separately.

Introduced By: Scott Seconded By: Graham-Murray

MOTION: To approve all items listed under Item I., Consent Agenda.

DISCUSSION: Mayor Billups reviewed the items listed on the consent agenda to the viewing audience. Mayor Pro-Tem Graham-Murray announced those individuals appointed to various City commissions and boards. Chris Roepke of 2228 Madison Avenue requested the removal of the Resolution Approving the Certified Local Government National Register Nomination Evaluation Report Form for the Property Located at 1201 Valley Street, Burlington, Iowa for discussion at the close of the meeting. All present had opportunity to speak and nothing additional was filed in the office of the City Clerk.



Introduced By: Bailey Seconded By: Billups

1. Motion to Amend the Motion for Preliminary Adoption of the Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 157.04 Service Entrance Wiring and Requirements of Chapter 157 Electrical Code of the City of Burlington Municipal Code

DISCUSSION: Eric Tysland, Development and Parks Director, stated that there were no changes to the Ordinance Amending Section 157.04 Service Entrance Wiring and Requirements of Chapter 157 Electrical Code of the City of Burlington Municipal Code from the first reading. All present had opportunity to speak and nothing additional was filed in the office of the City Clerk.


Introduced By: Graham-Murray Seconded By: Scott

2. Motion for Waiver of Preliminary Consideration and Adoption of the Second Reading and for Final Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 157.04 Service Entrance Wiring and Requirements of Chapter 157 Electrical Code of the City of Burlington Municipal Code



Introduced By: Graham-Murray Seconded By: Scott

3. Motion to Amend the Motion for Preliminary Adoption of the Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 161.07 Minimum Structure Standards for all Dwellings of Chapter 161 Housing Code of the City of Burlington Municipal Code

DISCUSSION: Eric Tysland, Development and Parks Director, stated that there were no changes to the Ordinance Amending Section 161.07 Minimum Structure Standards for all Dwellings of Chapter 161 Housing Code of the City of Burlington Municipal Code. All present had opportunity to speak and nothing additional was filed in the office of the City Clerk.


Introduced By: Graham-Murray Seconded By: Scott

4. Motion for Waiver of Preliminary Consideration and Adoption of the Second Reading and for Final Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 161.07 Minimum Structure Standards for all Dwellings of Chapter 161 Housing Code of the City of Burlington Municipal Code




Introduced By: Weiss Seconded By: Bailey

1. Resolution Updating the Personnel Manual Salary Schedule for Non-Union Employees Effective July 1, 2023

DISCUSSION: Adam Schaefer, Police Chief, stated that the Police Department seeks to establish the position of a training officer within the Police Department. He stated that the position would be tasked with coordinating, organizing and executing training programs for both sworn officers and civilian staff. He stated that the position will include duties as a Public Information Officer and a community engagement liaison. All present had opportunity to speak and nothing additional was filed in the office of the City Clerk.


Introduced By: Scott Seconded By: Billups

2. Resolution Approving the Certified Local Government National Register Nomination Evaluation Report Form for the Property Located at 1201 Valley Street, Burlington, Iowa

DISCUSSION: Eric Tysland, Development and Parks Director, stated that the resolution supports placing the property located at 1201 Valley Street, Burlington, Iowa, locally known as Burlington High School (Apollo School), on the National Register of Historic Places. He stated that this action will aid in the redevelopment of the property. He stated that the Historic Preservation Commission reviewed the nomination evaluation report form at their May 14, 2024 meeting and approved the submittal of the form for the property. Chris Roepke of 2228 Madison Avenue asked the council to not vote on the resolution so that more discussion can take place. He stated that his concerns included the developer not receiving money for the project after being placed on the national register. Tysland stated that this was requested by the developer of the property. All present had opportunity to speak and nothing additional was filed in the office of the City Clerk.


Adjournment: 6:07 p.m. Approved: June 17, 2024

Katie Music, CMC, City Clerk

Jon D. Billups, Mayor

(See recording on file in the office of the City Clerk for complete discussion and documentation.)

Posted 7/21/2024