New QR Code lets visitors Find Their Fort Madison

Tourism board launches new campaign to inform visitors.


FORT MADISON - The Fort Madison Tourism Board is launching a QR Code campaign with the tagline "Find Your Fort Madison".
Tourism Director Chi Eastin issued a statement on Tuesday about the new program.
"It’s summer travel season in the Fort Madison area and we are delighted to greet visitors from around the world who have come to explore our local attractions. To ensure everyone enjoys a stress-free stay, the Fort Madison Tourism Office is dedicated to providing ample assistance to tourists and locals alike.
Our goal is to ensure visitors have access to a variety of area brochures, especially in high-traffic locations such as hotels, restaurants, museums, the Amtrak Depot, and our new summer tourism office at the Santa Fe Depot," Eastin said.
"I personally restock brochure racks weekly during this busy travel season and am available to answer questions at the office. However, recognizing that we can't be available 24/7, we've introduced a QR Tourism Cling to provide essential information to visitors when they need it."
The QR codes are featured on 4"x4" white clings bearing the tourism board's marketing campaign tagline, "Find your Fort Madison." They will be strategically placed throughout the community for visitors to scan while on a stroll, planning their day at a hotel, or dining at local restaurants.
Scanning the QR code directs visitors to a dedicated landing page on the Fort Madison Tourism website, offering guidance on lodging, dining, shopping, the event calendar, and more.
"This QR code is accessible at any time, which is particularly beneficial for visitors arriving after regular business hours," Eastin added. "We're excited about the 2024 travel season and working closely with local businesses to showcase our community using this innovative tool to help visitors 'Find their Fort Madison'!"
The Tourism Office will be contacting area businesses in the coming weeks to discuss displaying these clings in their store fronts. For more information, businesses are encouraged to reach out to the office at

Fort Madison, Tourism, board, director, clings, QR Codes, Find Your Fort Madison, campaign, Iowa, Lee County, Chi Eastin, news, city, Pen City Current,


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  • AndrewGorman

    Can you post that QR code?

    Tuesday, June 18 Report this