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These scameras are for two purposes only and that is generate money for the county coffers and the scamera corporation.

2.and probably the most important is to habituate Americans into accepting the idea of an ever present omniscient oppressive surveillance state the likes of which even George Orwell couldn't even begin to envision in his wildest dreams.

Cameras everywhere, license plate readers everywhere tracking your every move, your banking information monitored and seized at whim, your purchases tracked, your electricity and utility usage and patterns scrutinized by algorithms and all that information cataloged, databased and passed on to governments and corporations who are, for all intents and purposes, the same entity. That doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. Your Liberty is being, and has been, taken from you at a simply astonishing pace and it will be a very difficult if not impossible task to ever regain what is being taken away. Most disheartening is that it is being done without so much as a peep from most of the propaganda dazed public.

From: Hwy. 218 speed cameras could be up by Friday

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