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Taxes are too high. The rest of the entire nation pays way less, about 1/4 of Lee County property tax rates. The governor was forced to cap the property tax rate due to county politicians. People cannot afford the out-of-control spending. People cannot afford to keep their homes with these nut-case politicians who spend, spend, spend. We were told coffers need to be filled to cover the "gap" to continue building the Ritz Carlton of ambulance garages. Now, suddenly Fraise claims that without this exorbitant tax increase the county cannot be run? Retire lady, the people of Lee county don't need your spendthrift ways. Lee County is literally the most poorly run county in the state. People like Fraise are the pro-spenders that make it the worst place to live. Don't vote for her. The cost will be too high.

From: Fraise to jump into 2024 Supervisor race

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