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Dissension for the sake of dissension does not benefit the public. Educated dissension and questions of the status quo does.

Hamelton’s refusal to view the the SE economy is evidence of lack of preparation and knowledge of what is affecting our area. We have a strong industry base here, one of the challenges they face is enough labor to fill the existing jobs. Even if we were to magically bring a 1000 people here (or half of that) where would they live? We need to address housing shortages and amenities before we can we say “hey come to SE Iowa to live, work and play”. Saying that industry is not coming here because of the franchise fee is based on a lack of knowledge. Basing a whole platform on inflammatory talking points but having no data to support it is just pot-stirring.

Let’s talk about tourism. The # 1 tourism industry in SE Iowa is business. I bet ya a strong second will be the marina. Whether you are a boater or not, the marina will offer a restaurant, bar, views, walking path and updated facilities. This is a win-win for the investment. There are a lot of draws that FM can boast. Trains are one of them. That is why the Depot has been such a great addition to our east end.

Finally, I do believe that Mr, Rink should be given gratitude for his service, I also believe that his replacement (if elected) should make a concerted effort to look at all of the data, not just the opinions that get him the headlines he so desires.

From: Mohrfeld for Mayor, Hamelton should get a spot

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