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I agree, after watching the livestream, that Mohrfeld has his ducks in a row which makes him the best candidate of the ones available. Just really wish that he had more to say about bringing well-paying jobs to this community. We cannot sustain ourselves on an overabundance of retail and service industry jobs...especially when a big chunk of our town can't even afford to pay for those things on a consistent basis. And we cannot sustain ourselves on 'tourism' that revolves around a river that can/will only be utilized 3-5 months out of the year for most recreational users.

Hopefully Hamelton's dissenting voice will be available on the council so others can be nudged out of their comfort zones consider the entire town when it comes to wants and needs. And also, just maybe, address the nepotism that might be in existence.

From: Mohrfeld for Mayor, Hamelton should get a spot

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